Wellness Insights

The Thyroid Connection

Feb 8th 2023

Many people suffer from thyroid problems and are simply unaware or attribute it to other issues. In our clinic, we specialize in identifying and treating problems and symptoms related to the thyroid.

Your thyroid, one of the most prominent endocrine glands, influences almost every cell in your body. Aside from regulating your metabolism and weight by controlling the fat-burning process, thyroid hormones are also required for growth and development in children and nearly every physiological function in your body.

A malfunctioning thyroid can be overproductive, hyperthyroidism, or, more commonly, underproductive, hypothyroidism. Current research indicates that the thyroid is responsible for many symptoms that continue to be misdiagnosed. A diagnosis of a thyroid disorder may be delayed or missed because some symptoms, such as nervousness, irritability, fatigue, weight gain, muscle aches, and weakness, can be ambiguous or mild. These symptoms can be easily attributed to other conditions, such as excessive coffee drinking, aging, stress, excessive exercise, lack of exercise, perimenopause, cold weather, or the side effects of medication.



It has become common in mainstream medicine for misdiagnosed thyroid patients to suffer for years without a full thyroid panel that could have saved years of incorrect or ineffective treatments.

Not only are thyroid disorders misdiagnosed, but the testing protocol produces less than desirable results. Mainstream medicine relies on only a TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) blood test. However, practitioners are discovering that a TSH panel's 'normal' range is insufficient to diagnose a malfunctioning thyroid. 

TSH is produced in a part of your brain called the pituitary gland. The job of TSH is to signal the thyroid gland that it's time to produce more thyroid hormone. When the healthy thyroid gets this chemical message, it makes two hormones: triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). This is where it gets tricky.

Triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) are the hormones produced by your thyroid gland. T4 is produced and then converted to T3, the active form of the hormone. The T3 should only be converted by T4 as needed to up-regulate metabolic functions. T3 and T4 are pumped into your bloodstream, where they work to control your metabolism. Free T3 (FT3) and Free T4 (FT4) are called this because they are not bound to proteins in your blood, making them free to perform their work in your cells – keeping your metabolism operating for optimal health.

Measuring FT3 and FT4 is crucial because they indicate thyroxine and triiodothyronine activity in the body. 

For instance:

  • A high TSH and low FT4 and FT3 indicate hypothyroidism.
  • A normal TSH, normal FT4, and low FT3 can indicate T4 to T3 conversion problems
  • A normal or high TSH, normal FT4, and high FT3 can indicate cellular resistance to FT3, which can still lead to hypothyroid symptoms because the active hormone can't get to the cell to do its job.
  • A complete thyroid panel is essential. If you only test TSH but have conversion problems, a thyroid problem may be missed. Often, it can be as simple as getting the proper nutrient to remedy the conversion issue, detoxification, or a combination of nutritional intervention, medication, and detoxification. As always, talk to your doctor about any natural health treatments before starting.


Step One: Lab Work

What lab work have you done or do you need to have done? Even if you have had recent blood work, we will want current lab testing for our protocols to establish a proper baseline.

  • TSH, Free T3 and T4, Reverse T3, Thyroid Antibodies
  • 4 Iron Levels, Ferritin, Serum Iron, % Saturation, TIBC
  • B12 and Folate
  • CMP
  • Vitamin D3 (25-hydroxy)
  • Saliva-adrenal and cortisol
  • Sex hormones
  • MTHFR gene/genetic testing
  • Nutrient deficiency testing

Step Two: Symptoms

What signs and symptoms are you experiencing?

  • Fatigue
  • Weight gain
  • Constipation
  • Swelling
  • Dry skin and dry hair
  • Hair loss
  • Increased sensitivity to cold
  • Tingling in extremities
  • Reduced heart rate
  • Development of goiter
  • Constipation

Step Three: Home Check

Home Check Options:

  • Basal Temperature
  • Nail Check: half moon test

Step Four: Life Style Modification and Support

  • Avoid Iodine suppressing foods like cabbage, brussel sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, and soy.
  • Eat plenty of vegetables.
  • Make sure you are getting adequate amounts of Omega 3 Fatty Acids.
  • Eliminate carbohydrates and consider the DEFLAME DIET.