Wellness Insights

Why Do We Need Supplements? Isn't Food Enough?

Aug 1st 2020

Why not just rely on a healthy diet? Ideally, a well-balanced, healthy diet full of fruits, vegetables, and reasonable amounts of whole grains and protein would provide all our vitamin and nutrient needs. In addition, fresh food contains enzymes, cofactors, and other components that allow the body to process them naturally, as nature intended. But unfortunately, our food supply's nutrient content and processing leave current diets at a deficit. As a result, sometimes, supplementation may be necessary. 

5 Reasons to Supplement

Soil Decline

The soil our food grows in has degraded over time and soil erosion is a huge problem. Eroded soil is the top layer, with the most organic matter enriched. If you remove the organic matter before it decomposes and deposits nutrients, the soil begins to lack nutrients. An average of 10 times as much soil erodes as is replaced by natural soil formation processes. It takes 300 years to replace 1 inch of natural topsoil after it has been removed. Most of the nutrients available belong in this dense organic matter layer, and as soil reforms, it also adds to the bottom layers. 

The erosion and removal of soil deplete the nutrient content taken up by crops at all levels of the soil. Once gone, it can not be adequately replaced. This is not a theory. This is reality. A landmark study published in the Journal of American Nutrition by the University of Texas at Austin in 2004 studied nutritional data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture from 1950 to 1999 for 43 different fruits and vegetables. They found significant declines in the amount of protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, riboflavin (vitamin B2), and vitamin C over the last half of the century.

Water Quality

Many nutrients and minerals should be available in our water supply. Unfortunately, contamination of the water supply has warranted complicated filtration processes. Filtration benefits human health in many ways but also causes the loss of good nutrients. Additionally, the use of tap water in North America has decreased, and the consumption of bottled water has increased. Tap water has significant amounts of calcium, magnesium, and sodium that many bottled waters lack. 

On the flip side, tap water may contain dangerous levels of bacteria, metals, pesticide, and fertilizer residue, not to mention fluoridation! So, what once was a fresh, healthy water supply, isn't anymore. Bottled water, while safer, lacks nutrients and usually comes in plastic bottles, exposing us to environmental toxins like Bisphenol A (BPA). Proper supplementation can help restore some of what has been filtered out and counteract toxin exposure.


A healthy, varied diet, full of fruits and vegetables, should satisfy all our nutrient needs. Unfortunately, however, the nutrient content of our food has been depleted. In addition, high carb, high calorie, high sugar diets are all too common. 

For sugar to be processed in the cells of our body, it must be converted as fuel, which requires numerous nutrients, like vitamins B, A, and C, and minerals like magnesium, chromium, and vanadium. Refined sugar and carbohydrates strip these nutrients from the food, requiring getting them from other sources or, worse, stripping them from your nutritional reserves. In whole foods, these are present WITH sugar, and the body can control and regulate sugar metabolism. Therefore, a multivitamin, b-complex, and an omega-fatty-acid complex is usually a good starting point to bridge a nutritional gap in the diet.

A vitamin supplement may be helpful for those on restrictive, low-calorie diets or those with food allergies that limit certain foods. 

Environmental Toxins

Every day we are exposed to an almost unlimited amount of toxins. It doesn't matter where you live or what precautions you take. Our world is heavy with pollution and exposure to things that are not natural or suitable for human health. So, the first course of action is limiting yourself to as little exposure as possible, but it is next to impossible to shield yourself from environmental toxins completely. 

Drinking water, plastic bottles, harsh cleaning agents, air fresheners, grain-fed beef, GMOs, mold, and other everyday pollutants can affect your health. However, proper supplementation can counteract some of the harmful effects of this exposure. For instance, in a commentary published by Environmental Health Perspectives, researchers found that omega 3's might help undo some damage done by pollution. 

The fluoridation of our water supply, or the alternative of plastic bottled water, can make the most crucial component our body needs for life seem like a no-win situation. Bottled water might seem like a better option, but the plastic it is packaged in can leach out chemicals harmful to our health. Bisphenol A (BPA) is a pervasive chemical found in the plastic of water bottles. Some brands are starting to list their products as BPA-free. 

One study found that by ridding your diet of BPA for just three days, you can rid yourself of the BPA in your system by 66%1. So, again, simply limiting exposure can help, but supplementation can counteract some common toxins we face daily.

Check out this list of easy supplementation tips useful to help ward off some of the toxins many of us are exposed to.

  • Magnesium is a mineral many of us are lacking anyway, but did you know it also inhibits the absorption of fluoride into your cells?
  • Calcium has also been shown to help attract fluoride away from bones and teeth. A good Calcium/Magnesium product can help limit the damage done by fluoride exposure
  • Exposure to heavy metals such as mercury and lead increase the need for Vitamin C.
  • Nitrates and Nitrites in hot dogs and lunch meats can destroy vitamins A, C, and E.
  • Fluoride and Chlorine can also destroy Vitamin E.
  • Medications can also affect absorption and the need for certain nutrients. Something as simple as aspirin can hinder the metabolism of vitamins A, B complex, and C.
  • Fluoride and Chlorine can also destroy Vitamin E.
  • Medications can also affect absorption and the need for certain nutrients. Something as simple as aspirin can hinder the metabolism of vitamins A, B complex, and C.

Age-Related Absorption

As we age our metabolism changes, as do our nutrient needs. Often, this can be due to a disease state, such as cardiac problems, Alzheimer's, Cancer, or Osteoporosis. While in a disease state the nutrient requirements can be much higher, especially initially as the inflammation makes greater demands on the system.

Metabolism can also slow down as a result of less activity seen in older adults. Metabolism changes the number of calories needed, which results in a low-calorie or restrictive diet's reason for supplementation. An older adult with a low-calorie or restrictive diet will need to supplement to make up for this reduction in nutrients from the diet.

Studies indicate that many older adults have absorption problems resulting from medication use for disease. Being unable to digest or absorb the proper nutrients from the diet leads to a need for additional supplementation. Older adults face these issues, as well as all the other reasons for supplementation we have cited here, making it especially important to ensure the appropriate levels of vitamins and minerals are being consumed

A varied diet is always ideal for optimal health and wellness. However, even the healthiest diet may not provide the essential nutrients necessary for optimal health. Check out our store and shop for the highest quality vitamins and supplements at Cincinnati Health Institute!