Don't Feel the Burn-Natural Sunburn Relief
Jul 18th 2023
Summer is here, and we hope everyone is doing their part and using the proper sunscreen. Most of us know sunscreen is important, but sun damage still happens. Not reapplying sunscreen regularly, not using the right grade SPF for your skin tone, going out in the sun during peak times, and staying out too long can contribute to sunburn.
Most of us have suffered some type of sun damage; while it isn
Adrenal Support
Feb 13th 2023
The body’s natural response to stress is a flood of cortisol, adrenaline, and other hormones that provide a short burst of energy. This worked well for our ancestors when encountering dangerous situations, like wild animals in the woods. But a modern lifestyle is a constant source of stress, and our overworked adrenal glands can have difficulty holding up under weeks, months, or years of pressure.
Thanksgiving Best and Worst List
Feb 8th 2023
Happy Thanksgiving from Cincinnati Health Institute! We are thankful for our customers, patients, and our health this year. With all of you, our mission to provide the very best supplement protocols is meaningful. Nothing is worse than going to Thanksgiving dinner and not knowing what options are the healthiest. Let us help!1) White or Dark Meat?If you choose the white meat you'll save a
Hangover Rescue
Feb 8th 2023
In honor of Cinco de Mayo, and by popular demand, we have created a list of some tried and true natural hangover remedies. Having a few too many drinks doesn’t have to mean you feel terrible the next day. Not knowing your limit is a mistake we’ve all made, but there are some natural remedies that can help. First, let’s understand what is happening to make you feel so bad.
Drinking alcohol pro