Wellness Insights

Lyme Disease

Feb 8th 2023

Lyme disease is caused by the spirochete-shaped bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi and Borrelia mayonii. It is transmitted by the bite of a deer tick. Lyme disease is frequently misdiagnosed or missed entirely. About 50-75% of patients recall having had the characteristic bullseye rash. Fifty percent of patients don’t even recall having had a tick bite. In addition, the ELISA test that is co …
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Liposomal Vitamins

Feb 8th 2023

By now you have probably noticed a new type of vitamin and supplement being offered: Liposomals. What are they and how do they work? Scientists began using liposomal delivery systems in the 1960s to help certain pharmaceutical drugs reach their intended targets. Five decades of research have led to liposomes (lipidic nanoparticles) being used in anti-cancer, anti-fungal, and antibiotic dr …
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The Four Phases of Adrenal Failure

Feb 8th 2023

The body’s natural response to stress is a flood of cortisol, adrenaline, and other hormones that provide a short burst of energy. This worked well for our ancestors when they encountered dangerous situations, like wild animals in the woods. But a modern lifestyle is a constant source of stress, and our overworked adrenal glands can have a hard time holding up under weeks, months, or years of p …
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Allergy Season Got Ya' Wheezin'?

Feb 8th 2023

Now that spring is here allergy sufferers around the world are holding their noses and closing their eyes in anticipation of allergy season. Sure, you can load up on prescription and over-the-counter remedies, but you have to deal with the side effects of those drugs. Wouldn’t it be nice to just feel better and not have to deal with the side effects? We’ve compiled a list of possible natural remed …
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