Cough (Formerly Pertussis) by DesBio

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Cough helps temporarily relieve the trademark cough caused by whooping cough.

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Product Details

Cough (Formerly Pertussis) by DesBio

Nosodes | Infections

helps temporarily relieve the trademark cough caused by whooping cough. It also helps relieve other types of coughs. It may aid in relieving symptoms associated with a reaction to a pertussis vaccine. 

Ingredients and Dosage
Suggested Usage
1-10 drops under the tongue, 3 times a day or as directed by a health professional. Consult a physician for use in children under 12 years of age.

Aconitum napellus (4X)
Antimonium tartaricum (4X)
Bryonia (4X)
Hyoscyamus Niger (4X)
Ipecacuanha (4X)
Sticta Pulmonari (4X)
Tabacum (4X)
Phosphorus (5X)
Kreosotum (6X)
Silicea (8X)
Pertussinum (30X)
Tetanus Toxin (30X)

Cough (Formerly Pertussis) by DesBio
