Liquid extract of Heart #44. H (heart) provides nutritients for optimal heart health. It Provides herbalomic factors that preliminary research suggests may bind to a signaling protein involved in the pathway that is activated to strengthen the heart muscle.
Product Details
CXH-Heart by Systemic Formulas
Liquid extract of Heart #44. H (heart) provides nutritients for optimal heart health. It Provides herbalomic factors that preliminary research suggests may bind to a signaling protein involved in the pathway that is activated to strengthen the heart muscle.
Liquid extract of Heart #44. H (heart) provides nutritients for optimal heart health. It Provides herbalomic factors that preliminary research suggests may bind to a signaling protein involved in the pathway that is activated to strengthen the heart muscle.
Ingredients and Dosage
As directed on product, or as directed by your health care practitioner.
CXH-Heart by Systemic Formulas