Dental pain by Desbio

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For the temporary relief of symptoms related to dental pain such as, sensitive teeth, cramping of jaw, generalized dental discomfort, sensitivity to temperature, brushing or salivation.

Product Details

Dental pain by Desbio

Pain Management
Dental Pain is for the temporary relief of symptoms related to dental pain such as, sensitive teeth, cramping of jaw, generalized dental discomfort, sensitivity to temperature, brushing or salivation.
Ingredients and Dosage
Suggested Usage
1-10 drops under the tongue, 3 times per day or as directed by a healthcare professional. Consult a physician for use in children under the age of 12.

Aceticum Acidum (3X)
Calendua Officinalis (3X)
Zingiber Officinale (3X)
Byronia (Alba) (6X)
Coffea Tosta (6X)
Ledum Palustre (6X)
Phosphorus (6X)
Plantago Major (6X)
Spigelia Anthelmia (6X)
Arnica Montana (6X, 12X, 18X, 30X)
Chamomilla (6X, 12X, 18X, 30X)
Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum (8X)
Hypericum Perforatum (8X, 12X, 18X, 30X)
Acontium Napellus (12X)
Mezereum (12X)
Sepia (12X)
Staphysagria (12X, 18X, 24X, 30X)
Magnesia Phosphorica (12X, 30X)

Dental pain by Desbio
