Matrix Support by DesBio

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Matrix Support helps with symptoms related to congestion of the interstitial matrix, enabling the proper absorption of key minerals needed for hormone production and the passage of key nutrients and byproducts across the matrix.

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Product Details

Matrix Support by DesBio

Detoxification Support

Matrix Support
temporarily relieves symptoms related to congestion of the interstitial matrix such as diarrhea, constipation, headaches, gas, mood issues, congestion, watery eyes, runny nose, and indigestion.

Ingredients and Dosage
Suggested Usage
1 to 10 drops under the tongue 3 times daily, or as directed by your health professional.

Ceanothus (4X)
Veratrum Album (4X)
Anacardium orientale (6X)
Argentum nitricum (6X)
Condurango (6X)
Hydrastis (6X)
Momordica (6X)
Oxalis (6X)
Pulsatilla (6X)
Bile Duct (8X)
Colon (8X)
Duodenum (8X)
Esophagus (8X)
Eye (8X)
Gallbladder (8X)
Ileum (8X)
Intestine (8X)
Ipecac (8X)
Jejunum (8X)
Kali Bichromicum (8X)
Lung (8X)
Mucosa Nasalis (8X)
Natrum Oxalaceticum (8X)
Oral Mucosa (8X)
Pancreas (8X)
Phos (8X)
Rectal Mucosa (8X)
Stomach (8X)
Sulphur (8X)
Mannan (8X 30X 200X)
Belladonna (10X)
Kreosotum (10X)
Lachesis (10X)
Mandragora (10X)
Urinary Bladder (6C)
Dysentery bacillus (30C 200C)

1 Review

  • Noticeable

    Posted by Cedar Knebel on Dec 12th 2024

    I detox better then this.

Matrix Support by DesBio
