Metox by Desbio NOW in 2 oz
Detoxification Support
Metox contains contains heavy metal isodes, along with chords and Burgi groups of many homeopathics that temporarily relieve symptoms related to heavy metal toxicity including digestive issues, cough, poor concentration, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, headache, sweating, and a metallic taste in the mouth.
Recommendations for Metal Toxicity
It is recommended that anyone interested in taking steps to reduce the body’s exposure to heavy metals and other toxins should also address other avenues of natural and healthy detoxification methods. What can you do that doesn't require products? Diet and some lifestyle choices can make a huge difference while using the Metox.
Check out our suggestions below:
• Limit consumption of ocean fish and crustaceans, especially larger fish or those with longer lifespans
• Consider replacing silver-colored fillings that may contain mercury amalgam with their dentist
• Be aware of exposure to environmental pollution, especially if you live or work in an industrial area
• Increase intake of foods that can help detoxify heavy metals. Certain foods are natural chelators, including cilantro, cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, sprouts), sulfur-rich foods (garlic, onion), and good sources of pectin (green apples, beets, bananas, citrus fruits)
• Consume filtered water to limit exposure to toxins and heavy metals
• Eat as many organic-sourced foods as possible, especially produce and lean meats
• Limit intake of processed foods and fast foods
• “Detox” your personal care and household products – including lotions, hair care, body care, cleaners, and detergents
• Regularly exercise or use saunas to encourage movement of the lymphatic system and the release of toxins via sweat