ROCK:SSR (formerly Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever Series Therapy) by DesBio
Series Symptom Relief
ROCK:SSR is for the temporary relief of symptoms related to Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever infection including rash, fever, nausea, severe headache, muscle pain, lack of appetite, abdominal and joint pain, and diarrhea.
ROCKY:10M (formerly Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever Series Therapy 10M) by DesBio
Series Symptom Relief
ROCK:10M is for the temporary relief of symptoms related to Rocky Mountain Spotted...
ROCK:1M (formerly Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever Series Therapy 1M) by DesBio
Series Symptom Relief
ROCK:1M is for the temporary relief of symptoms related to Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever...
ROCK:HOMO (formerly Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever Homochord) by DesBio
Series Symptom Relief
ROCK:HOMO is for the temporary relief of symptoms related to Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever infection...
ROCK:SSR Series Package formerly Rocky Mountain Series Symptom Relief by DesBio
Series Symptom Relief
ROCK:SSR is for the temporary relief of symptoms related to Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever...
COCC:SSR (formerly Coccidioides Valley Fever Series Therapy) by DesBio
Series Symtpom Relief
COCC:SSR is for the temporary relief of symptoms related to Valley Fever including fever, headache, rash,...
CHLA:SSR (formerly Chlamydia Series Therapy) by DesBio
Series Symptom ReliefCHLA:SSR is for the temporary relief of symptoms related to Chlamydia infection. Male: burning sensation during urination,...
BRUC:SSR (formerly Brucella Series Therapy) by DesBio
Series Symptom ReliefBRUC:SSR is for the temporary relief of symptoms related to Brucella infection including fever, sweats, malaise, headache,...
HEPA:SSR (formerly Hepatitis Series Therapy) by DesBio
Series Symptom Relief
HEPA:SSR is for the temporary relief of symptoms related to Hepatitis infection including fatigue, jaundice, fever, joint...
CYTO:SSR (formerly Cytomegalovirus Series Therapy) by DesBio
Series Symptom ReliefCYTO:SSR is for the temporary relief of symptoms related to Cytomegalovirus including fever, flu-like symptoms,...