BART:SSR formerly Bartonella Series Symptom Relief by DesBio

5 reviews Write a Review

Temporarily relieves symptoms including slight fever, headache, chills, backache, and malaise.

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Product Details

Bartonella Series Therapy (Symptom Relief) by DesBio

Series Symptom Relief

Bartonella Series Therapy
is for the temporary relief of symptoms including slight fever, headache, chills, backache, and malaise. Bartonella is a common source of Lyme disease.

Series Therapy Homochords/ Remedies: 1 oz formulas which contain all of the homeopathic dilutions found in the series kit in one bottle. The homochord is often taken after the completion of the Series Therapy Protocol as a follow-up or a booster.
Series Therapy Kit 1M: Each 1M kit contains 10 vials of the 1M homeopathic dilution of the specific pathogen or nosode you have selected work with. The 1M kits are often taken once per week for 10 weeks as a follow-up to the initial Series Therapy Protocol.
Series Therapy Kit 10M: Each 10M kit contains 10 vials of the 10M homeopathic dilution of the specific pathogen or nosode you have selected work with. The 10M kits are often taken once per week following the 1M kit for 10 weeks as a follow-up to the initial Series Therapy Protocol.

The Series Therapy Package provides the products necessary to complete the basic Series Therapy Program. Each package contains two Series Therapy Kits, a Comprehensive Homeopathic Detox Kit, one 5 oz Liposomal Vitamin C, and 32 oz of Smart Silver. Each kit also includes an Series Therapy Practitioner Guide.

Download the User Guide here
Ingredients and Dosage
Suggested Usage
To complete the DesBio Series Therapy Program, we recommend using two Series Therapy Kits.
1. The first kit should be used in ascending order (1-10).
2. The second kit is then used in descending order (10-1) (one vial every third day for a total of 60 days) and is often followed by 1M, then 10M kits (one vial per week for a total of 20 weeks).

Series Therapy should always be accompanied by Smart Silver.

For more information on the Series Therapy Program, see our Series Therapy Practitioner Guide.

Bartonella Bacilliformis (15X 20X 30X 60X 90X 120X 150X 200X 500X 1000X)
Bartonella Clarridgeiae (15X 20X 30X 60X 90X 120X 150X 200X 500X 1000X)
Bartonella Elizabethae (15X 20X 30X 60X 90X 120X 150X 200X 500X 1000X)
Bartonella Henselae (15X 20X 30X 60X 90X 120X 150X 200X 500X 1000X)
Bartonella Quintana (15X 20X 30X 60X 90X 120X 150X 200X 500X 1000X)
Bartonella Vinsonii (15X 20X 30X 60X 90X 120X 150X 200X 500X 1000X)
Bartonella Washoensis (15X 20X 30X 60X 90X 120X 150X 200X 500X 1000X)

5 Reviews

  • Lyme

    Posted by Karen Huelsmann on Feb 1st 2024

    I do the Lyme protocol. I have Bartonella and babesia Lyme disease. I do this with the Boba:SSR, Systemic detox, silver. Desbio has been the only thing that helped. I tried other brands of Lyme protocols and didn't have much luck.

  • Title of review 1040

    Posted by Stephanie on Jan 11th 2023

  • great service

    Posted by Heather James on Feb 3rd 2022

    great service with my complicated return/send issue.

  • LYME

    Posted by tana on Aug 2nd 2019

    I really feel like this has reduced my symptoms. This is the first thing I've found that actaully gives me hope.

  • Title of review 97

    Posted by Anonymous on Apr 24th 2018

BART:SSR formerly Bartonella Series Symptom Relief by DesBio
