Magnesium Carbonate 100 ct. by BodyBio - Item Discontinued
Magnesium is an essential nutrient that takes part in a number of physiological processes. It aids in muscle relaxation, blood clotting, and synthesis of ATP, which supplies the body's energy*. It takes part in more than three hundred metabolic and enzyme reactions. Magnesium helps to ensure the electrical stability of cells, the maintenance of cell membranes, and the regulation of vascular health.
Magnesium is interlocked with calcium, where one of these minerals helps to control the activity of the other. After potassium, magnesium is the second most abundant electrolyte within the cell.
- 300+ enzyme reactions
- Vascular support
- Muscle relaxation
Suggested Usage: Take one or more tablets a day with or without food, or as directed by your healthcare provider.
Stearic acid
Potassium phosphate
Dicalcium phosphate
Sodium bicarbonate
Postassium bicarbonate